Difference between Microcontroller and Microprocessor
The microprocessor is a chip which has only the CPU and Control Unit inside it. But microprocessor does not
has any built-in Memory,RAM,IO Ports,Timers,Serial Ports etc. So these parts need to be connected from
outside with the microprocessor. Some examples of microprocessors are our PC processors , Processors used
in our mobiles,Gadgets etc.
The microcontroller has some common features with microprocessor but it differs from it in many aspects. The
microcontroller has built-in ROM,RAM,IO ports,Timers,Serial Ports etc. As the microcontroller has all those
parts embedded in it so it requires less hardware to build a complete system,which is an advantage of
microcontroller. Some commercially available microcontrollers are DS1804Z-
010,MAX5391MATE+T,MAX5391NATE+T,TPL0401B-10DCKR , MCP41050-I/P .
The microprocessor stores program and data in same memory but microcontroller stores program and data in
different memory.
Now you are thinking that if microcontroller has all the required hardwares in a single chip and they saves
system space so why someone will use microprocessor. The microcontroller has few amount of built-in ROM
and RAM . If you go for an expensive microcontorller then you will get hardly 1mb of ROM and RAM. But as you
can connect external RAM and ROM with microprocessor so microprocessor based system can have huge
RAM and ROM.
The highest frequency microcontroller available in the market is 400 MHZ - 800 MHZ. So for high speed
operations microcontollers are not suitable. But the microprocessor can run up to few GHZ range.
nice post