Sunday, October 26, 2014

Build Your Own Arduino Board

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                                                 Build Your Own  Arduino  Board

Build Your Own  Arduino  Board  is a very very Fantastic Tutorial .....................

After having fun and experimenting with your Arduino board, you will most likely think of various projects that could be self-contained, if only they didn't rely on using a whole Arduino or compatible board. Or you may wish to experiment with the Arduino platform at a lower cost. In these and many other cases you can in fact build your own Arduino-compatible circuit using a solderless breadboard.
After looking at your full-sized Arduino or Eleven board you may think that the circuitry is quite complex, however in reality it is very simple… and by following the instructions detailed below you'll have your own version operating in a short period of time.

Required Parts  
for build your own Arduino Board ....
As well as a solderless breadboard, you will need a few basic parts as shown in the image below: