Simple Water Level Indicator
Water Level Indicator
This is the circuit diagram of a simple corrosion free water level indicator
for home and industries. In fact the the level of any conductive non
corrosive liquids can be measured using this circuit. The circuit is
based on 5 transistor switches. Each transistor is switched on to drive
the corresponding LED , when its base is supplied with current through
the water through the electrode probes.
One electrode probe is
(F) with 6V AC is placed at the bottom of tank. Next probes are placed
step by step above the bottom probe. When water is rising the base of
each transistor gets electrical connection to 6V AC through water and
the corresponding probe. Which in turn makes the transistors conduct to
glow LED and indicate the level of water. The ends of probes are
connected to corresponding points in the circuit as shown in circuit
diagram.Insulated Aluminum wires with end insulation removed will do for
the probe. Arrange the probes in order on a PVC pipe according to the
depth and immerse it in the tank.AC voltage is use to prevent
electrolysis at the probes. So this setup will last really long. I
guarantee at least a 2 years of maintenance free operation. That’s what I
got and is still going.
T1 – T5 BC 548 or 2N2222 Transistors
R1-R5 2.2K 1/4 W Resistors
R6-R10 22K 1/4 W Resistors
D1 – D5 LED’s ( color your choice)
Use a transformer with
6V 500 mA output for power supply. Do not use a rectifier! we need pure
AC. Use good quality insulated Aluminum wire for probes. If Aluminum
wires are not available try Steel or Tin.Copper is the worst. Try the
circuit first on a bread board and if not working properly, make
adjustments with the resistance values. This is often needed because
conductivity of water changes slightly from place to place. The type
number of the transistors used here are not critical and any small
signal NPN transistor will do the job. Few other suitable type numbers
are BC546, BC107, PN2222, BC337, BF494, ZTX300, BEL187 etc. The circuit
can be enclosed in a plastic box with holes for revealing the LEDs .
Water Level Indicator Circuit Diagram and Sensor Arrangement.
Water Level Indicator
If you need a fully automatic water level controller circuit then try this circuit Water level controller.
The circuit is fully based primarily on transistors. The sensing
section is somewhat similar to this circuit but there is additional
circuitry for switching the pump ON when the water level falls below a
set level and the pump will be switched OFF when the tank is full. Few
transistors , one 555IC and an electromagnetic relay is used for
realizing the control section. The circuit is very simple cost effective
, reliable and many guys have successfully assembled it.I am also
working on a float type water level indicator/controller using the float
type fuel gauge mechanism used in motor cycles.The level sensor section
is finished and now I am working on the control circuitry. I will add
the circuit here as soon as it is finished
Note:- We have recently developed a much better and fully functional Water Level Controller circuit using 8051 Microcontroller. This
water level controller monitors the level of the over head tank and
automatically switches on the water pump when ever the level goes below a
preset limit. You may see the circuit and try it.
Electronics Lab Created By Muhammad Irfan
Electronics Lab Created By Muhammad Irfan
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